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Fractured Ribs Clicking

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Fractured Ribs Clicking Sounds

Rib clicking and pain
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Fractured Ribs Symptoms

  • I have the same thing on my left side, except it's not when i twist, it's whenever i do a situp/crunch. After just one or two reps it gets really sore, and it feels like only my right abs are getting a workout, not my left. Can't figure it out.
    Anonymous 42,789 Replies
    • January 23, 2009
    • 08:37 PM
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  • I have a clicking noise(lump??? have the same thing on the other side, but doesnt click) that runs along my bottom left rib cage. When i twist to my left it will pop under my rib cage and when i twist back to normal it pops back out. Any ideas Please help. Thank YouI took a knock during football got my ribs checked out but all three hosp said they weren't broken, however when i press into the side of impact my ribs seem to click and pop and move about, can you dislocate your ribs? is there any cure? should i re-visit the hospital?
    Anonymous 42,789 Replies
    • March 17, 2009
    • 09:22 AM
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  • I have the same thing on my left side, except it's not when i twist, it's whenever i do a situp/crunch. After just one or two reps it gets really sore, and it feels like only my right abs are getting a workout, not my left. Can't figure it out.I have the same thing going on with me! I'm 24. It's been going on for just a few years that I'm aware. I used to do be pretty big into sit-ups from 16-19 yrs old (and excersizing all around, every single day). Then I just stopped. Long story. Since then, I tried to get back into working out when I was 20 not too long after. But the wierd clicking and pain started on my lower left rib cage!!! Also, my lower left ribs seem to be 'caving in'. My boyfriend even sees the indent my lower ribs make. (point that I'm not just a delusional vain girl) I have to fix this. I have a 1 1/2 yr old and I most definitely need to do sit-ups without a problem. I hope someone stumbles on this thread with the answer! I'd have surgery without a second thought. If it would fix it once and for all! :)I don't care if I get spam. if you know what I have please, please, please feel free to e-mail me. [email protected]
    Anonymous 42,789 Replies
    • September 9, 2009
    • 02:57 PM
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  • Me as well! Under my left rib cage, in various places depending upon how I sit. It only happens when I am sitting. Now, in one place under my right rib cage as of recently. There seems to be an uncomfortable sense of 'pressure' associated with the problem that gets exaserbated when I feel the least bit bloated. I have many, many Lipomas as well. At first, I thought these might be Lipomas, but I can not seem to 'grab them', move them or what not. These clicking lumps seem elusive unlike my lipomas directly under the skin.It's like they are under the flesh or something and it is driving me crazy. It is near impossible for me to sit and not click these points under my rib because they feel so.foreign. My doctor told me it was rib cartilage inflamation, but from what I saw on a diagram, the cartilage only attaches the rib on eather end.These 'clicking lumps' seem to happen along the entire rib cage at various points, different depending upon the seated position.
    Anonymous 42,789 Replies
    • September 17, 2009
    • 08:27 AM
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  • I have the same problem on my right side. I pulled some of my muscles on that side at work and went to the doctor for it. The doctor took x-rays and nothing seems to be wrong. She thought that it was ripped cartligde that will most likely be damaged forever. She had me on light duty (not lift over 5 pounds) for a month which I thought really helped. One thing she told me was not to do activities that would make it pop it because its just like cracking your makes it worse.
    Anonymous 42,789 Replies
    • September 30, 2009
    • 03:06 AM
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  • I have the exact same thing under my right side, happens when I'm sitting and take a deep breath or sit back for a long period of time and then lean forward, it doesn't hurt but if it gets 'caught' deep then it can feel like it is going to explode if it pops. A good friend of mine has it too and on the same side. Went to a physio over an unrelated problem and asked her, she said she hadn't got a clue what it was!!! said it could be scar tissue.Both myself and my friend are martial artists and have received countless blows to the body, but none that are that memorable enough to say ' ye thats when it happened '.Plus we have never had cracked, broken or even bruised ribs!!!!What is this phenomenon????
    Anonymous 42,789 Replies
    • October 18, 2010
    • 10:11 PM
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  • I have this too! Whenever I do sit ups or even laugh, it just clicks. And it's only on my left side. I'm really worried as to what it may be and am aprehensive about going to the doctors about it. Can anyone help?
    Anonymous 42,789 Replies
    • February 20, 2011
    • 00:02 AM
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  • I have it also a clicking lump on my lower left rib. Is it something i should be worried about?
    Anonymous 42,789 Replies
    • May 15, 2011
    • 06:41 PM
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  • Anonymous 1 Replies
    • June 11, 2014
    • 02:49 AM
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